Friday, March 28, 2008


Sexual exploitation occurs when the child is being used as sex objects in exchange for some economic benefit. The figures that are known about this crime stem from complaints about specific cases and the arrest by the authorities, hotbeds of exploitation. To carry figures to zero, the plans of action against this crime should improve.

The exploitation and sexual abuse in children are realities that affect not only
Colombian society. They are problems of global nature that can be difficult to categorize or describe in its development as lead implicit factors involving other social phenomena such as drug use, adolescent offenders, domestic violence, among others. The social differences, illiteracy, poverty, repression family, and so on. Are some of the factors that impair the quality of life of children. However, there are elements that determine all cases. The exploitation and sexual abuse in infants are not realities of the poor, nor for the displaced in armed conflict. The more privileged social classes are equally victims of these evils.

In a survey conducted by UNICEF, it is estimated that in Colombia there are 18,000,000 of minors, of which approximately 35 thousand children are linked to sexual exploitation. According to the same study, the age at which prompts the activity has been reduced even below the age of 10.

According to data from the Agency Journalism Friend of Children's Rights (Pandi), the latest figures on child abuse in Colombia are:

During 2006 child sexual abuse in Colombia rose by 6% over the previous year.
• The highest ranking is in children between 5 and 14 years of age.
• Bogota and Antioquia are identified as areas where further abuses.
• 14,840 cases were reported before Forensic Medicine in the past year.
• 86% of the victims of sexual abuse to be presented in Forensic Medicine are minors.
• 12,247 girls and 2,593 children were sexually abused in the past year.
• 3 out of every 100 children attended Forensic Medicine for sexual abuse.
• The silence is the most important figure because it is estimated that 70% of the cases is not reported for fear, coercion or social conflicts.
• There were 2,406 reported cases indirectly by medical institutes or social services required.

It is estimated that only 30% of cases are reported because sometimes the perpetrator is a close family members of the child, which often has the complicity or silence from the rest of relatives, either out of fear or regarded this practice as a criminal problem insignificant.

UNICEF has as achieve by 2010 a total eradication of these phenomena, guaranteeing the child population absolute protection against any kind of exploitation and abuse. To that end, UNICEF felt important to use the legislative device that supports victims (law 360 of 1997, 575 of 2000 and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women). UNICEF also believes necessary to give greater media coverage to the problems without harming children, in order to inform and sensitize the public about the dire consequences of these activities in future generations.

For the Department of Communications of the International Programme for the Elimination of Child Labour, to reduce and eradicate these phenomena, it is necessary to transform the cultural patterns, it is no use to establish action plans against the abuse and exploitation of children, if society, including the competent authorities in these plans, it still consider the children and women as weak players without credibility to defend themselves.

To conclude, to eliminate the sexual abuse figures is necessary to sensitize the population on the importance of preserving the safety of children who are the future of our country. This could be achieved by using the media and programmes to announce the message. Besides, we must start with respect to children from our families, seeing to children as any human being who deserves the same love and respect as an adult. On the other hand should create programs that show parents how to identify abuse or maltreatment in children who should lose their fear to reporting the case and thus help create greater plans of action against offenders to make them pay for the crime and so cases are less.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Around the word there is a lot of famous and reach people due to family inheritance or his talent in music art or cinema. Also the famous people are known by the public which buy his works therefore famous people win much money and have an ostentatious lifestyle.

Firstly, an ostentatious lifestyle is about to spend a lot of money in luxury things and a huge sociable life, this kind of people are wrapped in public and costly environment. To continue, famous people spend their money in expensive properties e.g. luxury mansions in different places of the world with huge and wonderful gardens, pools, playgrounds and play courts, besides into the house there are things to looks up, that have been bought in whatever place around the earth such furniture, paintings, porcelains, decorative things to the house, some these works of famous authors. Furthermore into these mansions there are a lot of employees such waitresses, cooks, gardeners, housekeeper, they keep the house in order and serve the tastes and desires of the rich and famous people. Moreover this people have expensive cars, spend a lot of money in expensive jewels, clothes and accessories, travel around the world in private airplanes and they are look for and persecuted by the fans, camera flash and media to publish their striking life.

To conclude, I think famous and rich people have an expensive and interesting life surrounded by luxury and commitments. However we should think about the personal life of this people because they do not have private life and have a few time to spend with their families and friends. Also we should take into account they have huge amount of money, a busy life this leads to increase risk to have problems with their families and peers. In my opinion a ostentatious life is interesting but it can be negative if the people do not know how drive their money and personal life.

Friday, March 14, 2008


The values are some characteristics that govern the human behavior. These are instilling when we are children in our family by the people that are around us, the values that the children learn depend to the values an culture of their family and society where they grow up.

Firstly, the values are part the education and moral ethics, the principal teachers about it are the family and school, because the children are all time there, for this reason is very important that the parents choose a good school ethic education no only academic. Also the parents and family should have a right behavior and practice the customs of the culture to the kids should learn. When the children become in adults they will have a similar behavior to their parents and will teach to their families the values an culture that they learn.

However, nowadays the children are in a contaminated environment by the advertising and media as the TV programs, radio, newspaper, and magazines which have information that is not conducive to good education of children in ethics and values and have been guilty to the irresponsible and aggressive younger people behaviors such as violence and debauchery.

To conclude, the adult are responsible to the education of young people, is very important check the behaviors of children and adolescents and correct in adequate way these. The children are our future so the education that we teach is the result of the develops of our country.